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Events in December

Notícias · News 01-12-2021
a large white building with a clock tower on top of it
The Convento do Espinheiro invites you to participate in the various events in December, prepared for you.

This month, Convento do Espinheiro will not only be organizing Christmas and New Year's Eve events. Here, there are countless surprises and we are ready to leave our customers and friends full of options to celebrate. There will be 6 events this month!

Wednesday, December 1st for dinner | Divinus Restaurant
Special Restoration of Independence Menu, to celebrate the 28th anniversary of the restoration of independence in Portugal. During the siege of Évora, the Convent of Espinheiro was forced by D. Juan de Austria to become the headquarters of the Spanish troops. Did you know?

Saturday, December 4th at 5pm | Cheeses from Alentejo
In December, the Convent offers a tasting of cheeses produced in Alentejo. These cheeses are traditional and remain faithful to the customs of the region in which they are located.

Saturday, December 11th | Gathering with wines from a producer from our Alentejo In the cellar at the Convent, where important nectars are stored, our sommelier coordinates an incredible tasting of wines full of soul. Everything to warm the cold hearts of December.

Saturday, December 18th at 5pm | Makeup Workshop
As the month of December is full of events, we prepared a self-makeup workshop with Makeup Artist Ana Lobo.

Friday, December 24th | Christmas Eve Dinner
This Christmas, bring your family together and come celebrate the most important party of the year. The most important event of the month!

Friday, December 31st | New Year's Eve
This December will end with the best party of the year! New Year's Eve will be themed around The Key to Wonderland. Why not come dressed up? Convento de Espinheiro is waiting for your visit! Make your reservation and come have fun with us.

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